Feeling the system

The purpose of Deep Collaboration work

The purpose of Deep Collaboration is to create a dramatic shift in the vibrancy, energy and performance of the team in service to delivering the ambitions of our enterprise.  During the process we reveal structures and agreements that are already in place but not clear and conscious and the new required to elevate the coherence and impact of the team.

What is essential for any transformation and system change initiative to work is for all team members to move deeply into the system and to understand how each person is relating to the project and to each other, how they are behaving and operating on a day-to-day basis that either diminishes the energy of the team or enhances it. 

Phase 1 10 days

One to one 45-60 minute confidential conversations with each team member. 

In these conversations we aim to discover the shared understanding of the organisation, its purpose and ambition, that accounts for the perspective and behaviour that will have this team either succeed or fail. 

Phase 2 1 week

Scan and Evaluation of the interviews by Karen Downes and Jim Ritchie-Durham.

Conventional analysis and measurement based on what was of value in H1 can camouflage key capabilities, competencies and capacities, innovation and experimentation that is required for the success and flourishing of the initiative, allowing the team to make the transition to H3. In Phase 3 the evaluation is fed back to the team. 

Phase 3 1 day

Reveal to the team the findings from Phase One and Two.

Establish what will be required of the team to move to the next level of performance and the new agreements that will require each person doing the work at the level of self and team. 

Phase 4 1/2 day

Coming back together to review and complete on team agreements

  • Discuss what happened, what didn’t, and what did you learn? 
  • Align on and confirm the new agreements that will be adopted 
  • Align on the structures that will take this group forward to fulfil the ambitions of the enterprise
  • Confirm that the team will commit to transformation that is in line with these new set of agreements

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