Understanding the system

What do we mean by Evaluation and Learning?

For Bounce Beyond, evaluation, learning and 360° accountability go hand-in-hand. We are developing a framework that integrates these responsibilities by building on leading approaches to evaluation for transformation.  This contrasts with traditional short-term, project-based, input-output, and non-systemic approaches.  With leadership of Zenda Ofir, who is a global leader in the field of evaluation and transformation, and in harmony with Blue Marble evaluation principles as well as aspects of approaches such as real-time evaluation, developmental evaluation and principles-focused evaluation, Bounce Beyond’s approach is being developed based on a realistic yet empowering Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, Reflection, and Learning system (MER2L) that works for all. 

The MER2L system will emphasize evaluative practice as a more inclusive set of actions that are dynamic and iterative in support of ongoing change and evolution. It avoids the negative connotation of evaluation as top-down ‘policing’ for one-way accountability only. It is distinguished by several capacities that make it attractive for Bounce Beyond:

By July, 2021, Bounce Beyond aims to identify a tentative framework for adapting this foundation to the needs of Bounce Beyond as a whole, and for CoNECTs individually. 

Evaluation & Learning...

Strengthens the ability to question and reflect, as well as confidence in moving forward.

Evaluation (or more precisely, MER2L) can provide evidence to stakeholders to inform plans, decisions and actions, and amplify positive change alongside evidence of risks and negative effects. 

Facilitates integration, alignment and synergies, if and as appropriate, when cultivating a transformations system.

Evaluation can help understand and inform strategies to strengthen the interactions and relationships between Bounce Beyond, GANE and other relevant initiatives within and across the different contexts and cultures in which it will operate. 

Supports reflection on, and adherence to guiding principles and frameworks.

Bounce Beyond stakeholders can question and deepen their understanding of, and operate thoughtfully with the evolving values, norms, principles and frameworks that guide their actions. 

Brings together different disciplines, worldviews and knowledge systems.

It can draw from diverse perspectives to ensure that one does not supersede the other without ethical reason, and that a diversity of voices and ways of looking at the world, and at transformation, are integrated as appropriate.

Can in itself be a transformative practice.

The evaluative processes can be transformative, based on and supporting co-generative approaches that are effective in working with local values, institutions, traditions and worldviews, and within ever-shifting contexts. 

Helps track trajectories of change.

Designed transformations usually do not take place overnight. They are most often the culmination of years of ongoing inspired responses to events and change, and/or well thought through policies, strategies and/or activities aimed at providing broad direction that can help influence or shift systems in desired directions. Evaluative practices can help determine the ‘direction of travel’ over time, as well as influences that (might) accelerate, delay or take progress off course. 

Helps limit risk and negative consequences and impacts. 

It can help prevent or limit, in a timely manner time, negative consequences or changes resulting from actions taken, and pick up undue risk warning signals. 

Balances internal with external assessment, and learning with accountability.

The value of internal reflection and self-evaluation can be balanced with external perspectives on, and assessments of strategies and progress towards desired trajectories of systems change and transformation. 

Enables dynamic, iterative learning as situations evolve in order to adjust in time to be impact-, resource-and energy-wise.

Evidence-informed adaptive management, action and learning can support regular course corrections - helping to position the work of the collective as a learning context for sustained movement toward next economies that "arise from, support, and enhance the well-being and flourishing of all life"

Helps harness new insights.

It can produce data, information, frameworks and more that can be further developed within or outside the network. 

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